Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Bittorrent hits the news again

Starting with an article from the Register, condemning Bittorrent of starting the war on other network-friendly applications such as VoIP and killing the Internet.

The P2P community responded keenly to the news. Some ponder the ease of NAT travelling this "improvement" would bring. Others turn absolutely furious against the article making mountain out of molehill. Later on (not much later to be fair), a "statement" appears on TorrentFreak, where the uTorrent manager himself denied the facts on the article. Most importantly, he claims that the author of the original article (on Register) had not contacted him at all, at least for the sake of fact-checking. Talk about journalis source reliablity!

uTorrent doesn't kill the Internet, people kill the Internet. That's fact. Another fact is that I personally don't care much about anything written on the Register.


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