Monday, May 05, 2008

Code of honor for the malware market

 Laugh of the day for me ! The creator of the Zeus malware added the End User License Agreement (EULA) to his intellectual property.  This is just a next, rational move for any emerging, profitable market of selling virus, malware online. 
 The basic restrictions are: no redistribution to any other business and no submission to anti-virus company. Catch 22 here. Why would a malware buyer turn himself in to the authority ? The consequences, stated in the EULA, of course do not at all involve the court. Basically, the vendor would cut off technical support, and the binary will be submitted to the anti-virus vendor, rendering the purchase completely useless. As far as I concerned, all these are quite cleverly thought out, i.e. there would be very little holes for exploitation. 

 Last but not least, the EULA effectively locks the buyers in with the product, by making the user agree to pay fees for updates and fixes regarding the product. Microsoft would love this business model so much. 


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