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It is the very fist time I read an article in Slashdot mentioning Vietnam. My beloved country drew attention from Firefox, as an user discovered Trojan in the Vietnamese language pack for the infamous browser.
Published in the Nature journal, the work from a group a researcher from Santa Fe Institute (SFI) reveals that for a complex network, there is an underlying hierarchical structure regarding the connectivity among nodes. Graph cluster could be one form of hierarchical network, where small clusters make up a bigger ones that make up the network. The same can be said for modules in biochemical networks or communities in social networks.
I've happened to bump in to this number 43 a number of times recently. Wikipedia did not have much information about this mysterious number. After all, it's not mathematicians who bring all the good stories. Here are my 2 cents.
Yes, just another story of Apple vs Microsoft. Blah, blah, blah ...
Kraken were recently believed to be twice as big as the infamous Storm worm. There are debates on its estimated size, but it should have the army of at least several hundreds of thousands of zombie to take up such big headlines.
Laugh of the day for me ! The creator of the Zeus malware added the End User License Agreement (EULA) to his intellectual property. This is just a next, rational move for any emerging, profitable market of selling virus, malware online.
Just in case the name does not ring a bell to you, Donald is the author of the infamous books The Art of Programming Language. And some may have known, he also invented the TeX language that powers our beloved, amazing LaTex.